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TI Forums

The TI forums are open for reading by all. But only TI members can post messages.

Open ForumSerious discussion of Tide sports.
The QuadGeneral discussion.
The BackboardDiscussion of Tide Basketball
Game BoardsPredictions, play-by-play and commentary on Tide games.
Ticket ExchangeSwapping of tickets to Tide events. Please do not engage in buying (from here or elsewhere) and selling for profit on this exchange.
Video ExchangeNot-for-profit sharing of videos of Tide games.

Posting Policy

When you post a message please do so to the most appropriate forum, and to only that forum. You may, however, post a link on the Open Forum to a message on the Quad.

Please be civil at all times. In particular, please refrain from:

  • Flaming.
  • Personal attacks.
  • Name-calling, including derogatory misspellings of an individual's name or username.
  • Questioning another's loyalty as a Bama fan.
  • Language inappropriate for a world-wide audience. If a word is inappropriate for most college classroom discussions, it's inappropriate for the TI forums.
  • Derogatory comment or innuendo based on gender, sexual preference, race or creed.
  • Destructive criticism.

The Open Forum

The Open Forum is for serious discussion of Tide sports. That doesn't mean that humor is not appropriate. A modicum of spontaneous humor is okay, but if you're looking to make a name for yourself as an online comic, the Quad is the place to practice your art. The only appropriate way to draw attention to yourself on the Open Forum is by giving reliable and interesting information and by making astute observations.

You have a responsibility to all other members to respect the purpose of the Open Forum. The Open Forum is not yours as an individual to write whatever you want. It is a community forum. In order for it to serve its purpose, all who post there must respect that purpose.

Removal of Inappropriate Messages

A message that is inappropriate or that is not civil in tone or language is subject to immediate removal.

Please keep in mind that we cannot read all messages. So we will fail to find and remove some inappropriate ones. You can help as follows.

On the navigation bar near the top of every message page is a text button labeled Request Removal. When you read a message that you think is inappropriate, please click on the Request Removal button. Doing so will cause a email composition window to pop up, with the subject of the email being the web address of the message. Send the email.

Please note that some browsers do not handle the Request Removal button as intended. They don't put the address of the forum message in the subject of the email message. If your browser leaves the suject line blank, please copy the address of the forum message from the location line near the top of the browser window and paste it in the subject line for the email message.

Forum Classics

Forum Classics is a collection of noteworthy messages taken from the TI Forums.

Questions about the Forums

For more about the forums, please see the frequently asked questions.